Wednesday 26 November 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I have a lot of work to show you guys, this lot above is just the tip of the iceburg! The top character sketch was me jumping ahead a little bit, on monday I started to do some head skecthes for my nord race, just to get ready for doing the full designs, my second design got me so pumped full of ideas though, that I had to do a full sketch. 

The background behind the character is that what with the dawning of ragnarok, the nords have become very paranoid, thus their religious cults have began to take more impact upon their daily lives. The most notable of these cults is "the brotherhood of silence", they dwell in great monuments near the sea and any body of water, believing they are always near an area of cleansing. 

That's about it so far, (the environment sketch is an idea I had for these monuments) but as I keep designing more keeps coming to me, my projects beginning to feel more like a lived in world, than just a bunch of random images! Till next time. 

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Practise Makes Perfect!

So I wasn't lying when I said I am going to keep practising until I perfect the human body! These sketches are from the past few days, each page took about a couple of hours. I am slowly beginning to get to grips with the techniques I have been researching, such as using the Loomis method for getting the head proportions right. Overall I am really pleased with how its going, when I feel fully comfortable I am going to start getting back into creating my own characters with these new techniques. Till next time.

P.S: I don't think myslef some genius at drawing, far from it, but if you ever feel like you can't draw or that you want to give up, like I did on monday, don't! Getting good at art takes time and a lot of patience, just keep at it every day and it wont be long before you're creating masterpieces!  

Sunday 16 November 2014

Understanding The Human Head

Sorry I have been pretty quiet lately but there is a reason, I promise! That reason is a lot to do with the above pictures, so my main passion in games is characters, I love creating weird, unique and interesting people to fill game worlds, my main problem is that my faces always look so dam weird! To rectify this I have been doing loads of studies on the facial features. There are a lot more sketchbook pictures that go with these but I didn't want to bore you guys with all the technical stuff, you come here for pretty pictures right!? (Well I hope!) With these done I am going to hopefully attempt a portrait next combining all that I have learned from my studies, after that characters shouldn't be a problem!......well apart from hands, posture and proportions but I will get to those, one step at a time. Till next time.  

P.s - If your'e interested where I got all the information to do these I followed a lot of this guys tutorials, the guys brilliant, helped me loads!

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Final Batch

Finished up my final batch of sword designs yesterday, was really trying to make some more unique blade shapes with this group, which I think shows in the far right two. All these weapons are for the Nordic race in my IP, that's why they all share similar designs and certain things like skulls and talismans. Tonight I am going to do some head mock ups to go with these designs, as I have a real strong image of what I want the race to look like in my head, thinking of this race as a collection of people who travel about and never really stay in one place for a long time. Design wise I am thinking of having them carry lots of equipment with all sorts of knick knacks upon them. Till next time.